the idea of try the tutorial while the game load, is amazing, is the first game with this (in think). by the other way i like the achievments too.
the idea of try the tutorial while the game load, is amazing, is the first game with this (in think). by the other way i like the achievments too.
best of newgrounds this year
toss the turtle and going up are the most adictive submissons in NG. ( i need help, thr game doesnt save my game)
Bacon RuleZ
i hope a submission of Sebastian Shaw as Kevin Bacon in Xmen First Class. Is the most badass, more than the joker in the dark knight
like the old times
resolve this based in the sound board::: 5 (good sound) + 5 (presentation) = 10 = 5/5, and that is the homework
oh shit, again
i am adict
i only play more than 17 hours (=
Joined on 9/12/09